Friday, May 31, 2024

Various Artists: Sugar, Alcohol, & Meat—The Dial-a-Poem Poets


Been coveting this for a long time; delighted to find a copy after all this time and restore it. Some notes on people not credited in the original packaging: The poets on the cover are (clockwise from top right) John Giorno, John Ashbery, and William S. Burroughs. The poets in the gatefold are (left to right): Barbara Barg, Tom Carey, John Cage, and Eileen Myles. The other voice in "So Fine" is Joel Chassler.

Here's the text of Andrei Voznesensky's poem "Song of Moscow Ancient Church Bells":


Колокола, гудошники...
Звон. Звон...

Всех времен!

Барма, Дант!
Вас молниею заживо
Испепелял талант.

Ваш молот не колонны
И статуи тесал —
Сбивал со лбов короны
И троны сотрясал.

Художник первородный
Всегда трибун.
В нем дух переворота
И вечно — бунт.

Кровавые мозоли.
Зола и пот,
И Музу, точно Зою,
Вели на эшафот.

Но нет противоядия
Ее святым словам —
Слава вам!

Москва бурлит, как варево,
Под колокольный звон...

Всех времен!

Цари, тираны,
В тиарах яйцевидных,
В пожарищах-сутанах
И с жерлами цилиндров!

Империи и кассы
Страхуя от огня,
Вы видели в Пегасе
Троянского коня.

Ваш враг — резец и кельма.
И выжженные очи,
Горели среди ночи.

Вас мое слово судит.
Да будет — срам,
Проклятье вам!


And here's the text of Miguel Algarín's poem "Setenta y Cinco Abriles":

    “a coger, a coger,
    si recoges tu mujer, a recoger,”
el silencio penetra, potente
después de tanto tocar y no llegar
    “a recoger, a recoger
    si es que vamos a soltarnos
    es pa’ recoger,”
Totico prueba el quinto
pero lo deja
porque una mujer se arrima
a tocar,
    “a la yuca buena
    le cayó una cosa,
    a la yuca buena
    le cayó una cosa,”
juega, toca, llama, arrima
todo los fluidos
que convienen
cuando el corazón alegre
salta de la boca,
    “a la yuca buena
    le cayó una cosa,
    a la yuca buena
    le cayó una cosa,”    
esta tinta roja se sacó la cosa
ya que escrita sobre el papel blanco
va explicanod los trastornos
de esta vida,
    “agua que va a caer”
no hay coro, no hay coro
ya que Tato está tan solo
escondido en la esquina llena de luz,
no hay coro, no hay coro


Peter Gordon: External Niceties
John Giorno: I Resign Myself to Being Here
John Cage: Alex & Gretchen Corazzo
John Cage: The 6th Patriach of Zen Buddhism
John Cage: Once I Was Visiting My Aunt Marge
John Cage: Dorothy Invited Me
John Cage: One of Suzuki's Books
Tom Carey: Good Night Irene
Andreí Vosnesensky: I Am Goya
Andreí Vosnesensky: Song of Moscow Ancient Church Bells
Miguel Piñero: New York City Hard Times Blues
Miguel Algarín: Setenta y Cinco Abriles
Mitchell Kreigman: In the Bathtub
William S. Burroughs: I Was Traveling with the Intolerable Kid on the Nova Lark (from Nova Express)
William S. Burroughs Jr.: Translucent Boy
William S. Burroughs Jr.: An Excellent Time
William S. Burroughs Jr.: For Neal Cassidy
Charlie Morrow: O Yeh—Don't Die
Ted Berrigan: To Jack Kerouac
Charlotte Carter: Six Months in Brooklyn
Patti Smith: Parade
Cliff Fyman: Coffee
Robin Messing: 3 Subway Poems
Paul Violi: Whalefeathers
Bob Holman: RAP IT UP
Allen Ginsberg: C.I.A. Dope Calypso
Anne Waldman: Lady Tactics
John Ashbery: Litany
Beth Anderson: I Can't Stand It
Rene Ricard: Rene Ricard Famous at 20
Barbara Barg: Chicks
Ned Sublette: Nice Young Mormons
Kathy Acker: I Was Walking Down the Street
Eileen Myles: Lorna & Vicki
Barbara Barg with Joel Chassler: So Fine
Didi Susan Dubelyew: Who Needs Exercise
Rochelle Kraut: New Born Sleep
Gary Snyder: What You Should Know to Be a Poet
Daniela Gioseffi: Eggs
Regina Beck: Message from Confucius
Bernard Heidsieck: Canal Street
Charles Bernstein: Wall As
Steve McCaffery: Viking Log (Part 2)
Ron Padgett: Zzzzz

Album audio & artwork

DISCLAIMER: To the best of my knowledge, this work is out of print and not available for purchase in any format. If you are the artist and are planning a reissue, please let me know and I’ll remove it from the blog. Also please get in touch if you’ve lost your art &/or sound masters and would like to talk with me about my restoration work.

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